
Showing posts from October, 2023

Digital Photography and Imaging - Project 1B : Hearst Mansion (WEEK 5)

24/10/2023 / (Week 5) Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Digital Photography and Imaging / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Project 1B : Digital Imaging Exercise JUMPLINK  1. Lecture 2. Instruction 3. Shazam     - Final Result 4. Se lf Reflection     - Final Result 5. Re flection 6. Quick Links   LECTURE Lecture week 5 INSTRUCTION 🔝 PROJECT 1B : Digital Imaging Exercise - SHAZAM In this exercise, we are directed to make a photo manipulation of Hearst Mansion and Shazam in Photoshop.  Mr. Fauzi provided a tutorial video and power point on google classroom for us to follow.  Both tutorial showing how to apply photoshop features such as selection tools, layer mask, color adjustment, filters, and brush tool. Fig. 1.1 Shazam Progress (30/10/2023) Here are the steps I did: - Remove the background using remove backgroung - Put the shazam into the Hearst Mansion - Adjusting the color  - Adding shadows with brush - Apply gaussian blur effect...

Illustration & Visual Narrative: Task 1 - Exercises

27/9/2023 - 3/11/2023 / (Week 1 -  Week 5) Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Illustration & Visual Narrative / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Task 1: Exercises  JUMPLINK 1. Lectures 2. Exercises     - Bezier Game     - Vormator Challenge     -  Chiaroscuro 3. Instruction 4.  Vormator Challenge Assignment 5.  Reflection 6. Quick Links   LECTURES WEEK 1 Briefing to the module and introduction to pen tool, using The Bezier Game.  The Bezier game is a pen tool game, it works the same way as pen tool.  In this game we can increase our skill in using pen tool Fig. 1.1 Pen tool exercise (3/10/2023) WEEK 2 In week 2 Mr. Hafiz gave lecture about how to designing character.   Here is my summary of lecture 2:  There are 3 things that we have to remember when designing character: 1. Iconic  2. Simplicity  3. Unique In this matter, Mr. Hafiz gave us example by inserting a famous animation cha...

Digital Photography and Imaging: Project 1A - Collage & Digital Imaging (WEEK 1 - WEEK 4)

26/9/2023 - 3/10/2023 / (Week 1 -  Week 4) Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Digital Photography and Imaging / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Project 1 : Collage & Digital Imaging JUMPLINK 1. Lecture     - Week 1     - Week 2     - Week 3     - Week 4     - Week 5 2. Instruction 3. T ASK 1 4. TASK 2     - Final Result 5.  TASK 3     - Final Result 6. TASK 4     - Final Result 7. Reflection 8. Quick Links   LECTURE WEEK 1: Introduction to Photoshop Photoshop is a editing software that helps designers to do their work, especially in graphic design.  Other than that, Photoshop also can do: 1. Create graphic design 2. Restoration of old image 3. Integrate graphics with text artistically 4. Make use of brushes 5. Change photo color 6. Rectify mistakes in photographs Photograph manipulation in 1850s: The combination of multiple images on one negative.  photo...