Illustration & Visual Narrative: Task 1 - Exercises

27/9/2023 - 3/11/2023 / (Week 1 -  Week 5)

Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505)

Illustration & Visual Narrative / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media

Task 1: Exercises 




Briefing to the module and introduction to pen tool, using The Bezier Game.  The Bezier game is a pen tool game, it works the same way as pen tool.  In this game we can increase our skill in using pen tool

Fig. 1.1 Pen tool exercise (3/10/2023)


In week 2 Mr. Hafiz gave lecture about how to designing character.  

Here is my summary of lecture 2: 

There are 3 things that we have to remember when designing character:
1. Iconic 
2. Simplicity 
3. Unique

In this matter, Mr. Hafiz gave us example by inserting a famous animation character, Doraemon.

Fig. 2.2 Doraemon

Beside those 3 things, there are also Principles Of Character Design: 
Shapes > Colour > Emphasis > Contrast > Harmony > Expressions, Poses

1. Shapes 

In deciding shapes for our character design, we have to consider the silhouette in order to make our character recognizable.  For example the famous character in Monster Inc, Mike Wazowski.  He has a round body, which is noticeable even though he appear in the dark or in the low light situation.

Fig. 2.3 Monster Inc characters

However, as a designer we have to be creative and innovative in making a design.  In this matter we have to explore the possibilities of combining different interesting shapes and turn it into a character.  In this lecture, Mr.  Hafiz gave us tutorial for tracing a shape with pen tool and told us to make a character from those shapes.

Fig. 2.4 Shapes

Fig. 2.5 Pen tool exercise (10/10/2023)

Fig. 2.6 Pen tool exercise result (10/10/2023)

2. Colour

In making a character we have to add colour so our design could attract people.  Some tips from Mr. Hafiz in using colour, we can use colous psychology, like in 'Inside Out' movie.  The characters in that movie are based on human's emotion; Sad, Anger, Disgust, Joy, and Fear.  Every characters have colour that represent their emotions.

Fig. 2.7 Colour psychology

3. Emphasis & Contrast

A good character exaggerates on the emphasis and contrasting visual elements to make teh design stand out by using colours.

Fig. 2.8 Emphasis & contrast

4. Harmony 

Elements in our design should compliment each other.  The shapes, lines, colour, motifs, patterns must be put together in a testful manner.
Fig. 2.9 Harmony

5. Expressions & Poses

Clear visualization of our characters behaviours, quirks, personalities make it easier to appear to our viewers.  
Fig. 2.10 Expressions & poses


In week 3, we learnt about Chiaroscuro which is the use of light and dark to create the illusion of three dimensional volume on a flat surface.  In this chapter, Mr. Hafiz taught us how to make a shadow and adding volume to our tracing.

Here is my summary of lecture 3:

- Chiaroscuro itself has a purpose to increase the scene's dramatic tension by exaggerating the subject's importance using color or light contrast.

- Chiaroscuro is used in visual narrative because this method is an exellent lighting choice to difference positive vs negative spaces.

- There are 4 kinds of application of chiaroscuro in paintings:

1. Using color or light contrast.
Fig. 3.1 The Ceilling of St Matthew

2. Predominantly dark setting.

Fig. 3.2 The Taking of Christ

3. Focus point or subject of a scene is brightly colored.

Fig. 3.4 Girl With A Pearl Earing

4. Contrast with a dark background.

Fig. 3.4 Barry Lyndon


On week 4, Mr. Hafiz introduced color and blending and did a tutorial from microsoft teams meeting.  In this chapter we learned how to adding texture into our design with clipping mask.'


On week 5 we do not have class because Mr. Hafiz had a medical appointment.  There will be class replacement around week 8 or 9,


On week 6, Mr. Hafiz did a brief for the Editorial Illustration assignment.  In this brief, we will create a minimalist editorial illustration based on an urban legend using Adobe Illustrator.



The Bezier Game 

Fig. 4.1 The Bezier Game (3/10/2023)


Vormator Challenge Exercise

In this exercise, Mr. Hafiz gave us various shape and we are directed to make a character from those shapes.

Fig. 4.2 Creating character
The tools I use:
1. Pen tool: For tracing the shaped provided.
2. Curvature: For creating curves.
3. Selection mode: For adjusting the shape/anchor point.
4. Gradient: To make gradient.
5. Distortion > roughen: To add fur effect.

Fig. 4.3 Final Character result (2/11/2023)

In this exercise, I want to make a fox character with the shapes that have been provided, but in this matter I made unusual fox character with nine tails.  This character called gumiho who's famous as a folktales in East Asia.  I named this character 'Gumiyo' (Simply because it is looks cute).


Light & Shadows

On week 3, I learn how to make shadows using knife tools.

Fig. 4.4 Pear & sliced pear (11/10/2023)

Fig. 4.5 Practice documentation (11/10/2023)

In here the tools I used are:
1. Pen tool: For tracing the shape of the fruit.
2. Draw inside mode: to add shadows.
3. Knife tool: To make the fruit looks sliced.


Colors & Blending Mode (Chiaroscuro Exercise)

Fig. 4.6 Chiaroscuro Exercise

Fig. 4.6 Chiaroscuro Exercise

In here I learned to use the clipping mask feature, with clipping mask I could add texture to my illustration.


No class (Mr. Hafiz is on medical leave).


No exercise, but Mr. Hafiz gave us assignments.



In this Assignment we were told by Mr. Hafiz to create a pokemon card with our own character.

Milestone 1 Exercise (Vormator)

Fig. 5.1 Vormator challenge progress

In this assignment, I use Adobe Illustration for creating the character. Here are some tools I use during the assignment:

1. Pen tool: For tracing the shape.
2. Curvature: For making curve in the shape.
3. Filter > Roughen: In here to create a furry effect on the character, I used roughen distortion.
4. Brush: For adding texture and the background effect.
5. I also use pokecard template to customize the card: pokecard link

Fig. 5.2 Pokecard (2/11/2023)

Fig. 5.3 Character Gumiyo PNG (2/11/2023)

These are my final outcome on vormator assignment. I used same character as my vormator challenge. In this assignment my concept is that this character has magical abilities as it's adapted from mythological character, gumiho. I named this character Gumiyo because its cute and innocent appearance. Gumiyo has ability to hypnotize people in order to protect itself and it can fly as well. For the background I added blurry lights and some flares for giving a mythical vibes.

Fig. 5.4 Gumiyo PDF


From week 1-5 I have learned how to use Adobe Illustrator, at first it is complicated because this is my first time using it.  But I started to enjoy it, even though sometimes it could be a mess because of some errors caused by the software.  I learn how to use some features like pen tool, knife tool, effects etc.  However I still needs more practice so I can be fluent in using Adobe Illustrator.

I have been practicing in using Adobe Illustrator, I learned that, even though this software seems hard to learn, but it is actually simple as long as we know how to use the mode and all of its feature, especially if we know how to use shortcuts.  It may take times, but we have to believe in the process and keep practicing.


I learned that illustrating a character is very exciting and could improve our creative thinking skill.  Especially when we were challenged to made a new character from raw shapes.  However, I still need to explore and deepen my knowledge about illustration.



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