Interactive Design - Creating a Single Page Website (Final Project)
4/7/2024 - 4/8/2024 (Week 11 - Week 15)
Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505)
Interactive Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Final Project - Single Page Website
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Fig. 1.2 Wireframe sketch (Week 12) |
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Fig. 2.1 Making character (31/7/24) |
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Fig. 2.3 Pattern & Card design (31/7/24) |
Fig. 2.4 Great Gatsby poster (31/7/24) |
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Fig. 2.5 Head section HTML (31/7/24) |
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Fig. 2.6 Navigation bar section (31/7/24) |
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Fig. 2.7 Navigation bar CSS file (31/7/24) |
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Fig. 2.8 Header section HTML (31/7/24) |
To adjust the image and text position, I played with the margin. To make it responsive, I also set up the width of the picture in a media query and set the flex direction into the column.
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Fig. 2.9 Header section CSS (31/7/24) |
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Fig. 2.10 Media query to make header responsive (31/7/24) |
- <h1> elements for the title.
- <p> element for description.
- <div> element with 'row' class that contains columns and card container.
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Fig. 2.11 Facts section HTML (1/7/24) |
Inside the card container, I put card elements, including the front and the back of it, because I'll be using a flipping hover effect. On the back of the card, I have a heading and paragraph to put my content.
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Fig. 2.12 Card element CSS (1/7/24) |
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Fig. 2.14 Card style CSS (1/8/24) |
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Fig. 2.15 Card style CSS (1/8/24) |
- For the card styles, I used the '.box' selector to target the <div> element with a class of "box".
- border-radius: 10px; sets the border radius to 10 pixels.
- position: relative; sets the position property to relative.
- overflow: hidden; sets the overflow property to hidden.
- box-shadow: 5px 5px 15px rgba(194, 143, 66, 0.25); sets a box shadow effect.
- .box img selector targets the <img> element inside the box.
- width: 100%; sets the image width to 100% of the parent element.
- border-radius: 10px; sets the border radius to 10 pixels.
- display: block; sets the display property to block.
- transition: transform 0.5s; sets a transition effect for the image.
- .overlay selector targets the <div> element with a class of "overlay".
- height: 0; sets the initial height to 0.
- width: 100%; sets the width to 100% of the parent element.
- background: linear-gradient(transparent, #022334 58%); sets a linear gradient background color. for the overlay.
- border-radius: 10px; sets the border radius to 10 pixels.
- position: absolute; sets the position property to absolute.
- left: 0; sets the left position to 0.
- bottom: 0; sets the bottom position to 0.
- overflow: hidden; sets the overflow property to hidden.
- An <h1> element with a title as "ICONIC CASES".
- A <p> element introduces to Hercule Poirot's iconic cases.
- A <div> element with a class of "container" that contains three cards (.card2).
- An <img> element with a source image and an alt text.
- An <h2> element with a title.
- A <p> element with a short description.
- A <button> element with a link to a trailer.
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Fig. 2.17 Card & container CSS (1/8/24) |
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Fig. 2.18 Button CSS (1/8/24) |
- '.container selector' targets the <div> element with a class of "container".
- display: flex; sets the display property to flex.
- flex-wrap: wrap; allows the flex items to wrap to a new line.
- justify-content: center; centers the flex items horizontally.
- align-items: center; centers the flex items vertically.
- width: 100%; sets the width to 100% of the parent element.
- max-width: 1200px; sets the maximum width to 1200 pixels.
- margin: 0 auto; centers the container horizontally.
- border-radius: 0px 0px 10px 10px; sets the border radius to 10 pixels on the bottom left and right corners (mostly I set the border radius to get rounder looks).
- '.card2' selector targets the <div> element with a class of "card2".
- background-color: #fff; sets the background color to white.
- border: 1px solid #ddd; sets a 1-pixel solid border with a color of #ddd.
- border-radius: 10px; sets the border radius to 10 pixels.
- box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); sets a box shadow effect.
- width: 30%; sets the width to 30% of the parent element.
- margin: 10px; adds a margin to the card.
- text-align: center; centers the text horizontally.
- overflow: hidden; sets the overflow property to hidden.
The HTML code sets up a section named "quiz" with a matching ID. Inside this section, there's a <div> with a class of "horizontal-card" and another <div> with a class of "content."
The "horizontal card" <div> is styled with a background color of #C28F42 and a height of 400px. The "content" <div> includes:
- a <h2> heading that says "TAKE A QUIZ,"
- a <p> paragraph with a short intro to the quiz, and
- a <button> that says "GET STARTED." This button links to a Google Forms quiz.
The CSS code contains the "quiz" class to style the background, padding, etc. The "horizontal card" <div> is 400px tall, centers its content, and aligns text to the center. "Content" <div> has white text (#fff), 20px padding, and is positioned relatively.
The "content::before" pseudo-element adds a semi-transparent background to make the text easier to read, because the background has motives so I decided to dim the image by applying a semi-transparent background. The "content h2" styles the heading with a font size of 2em, a font family of "mountain," and a font-weight of 100. The "content p" styles the paragraph with a font size of 1.8em and the "Poppins" font family, sans-serif.
The "content a" selector ensures the link stays on top with a z-index of 1. The "content button" styles the button with padding of 10px 20px, rounded corners (5px border-radius), background color of #C28F42, white text, and a smooth background-color transition over 0.3 seconds.
Media queries adjust the height, font size, and padding for smaller screens to keep everything looking good.
Join Us Section
For the join section, I use card with heading title "Unite With Poirot Admirers." The heading was styled with a font size of 50 pixels, font weight of 100, and using 'AC Mountain' font family. The text is centered horizontally and has a margin top of 200 pixels and a margin bottom of -180 pixels.
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Fig. 2.20 Join us HTML (1/8/24) |
The HTML code defines a section with a class of "join" and an ID of "join". This section contains:
- An <h1> element with the title "Unite with Poirot Admirers"
- A <div> element with a class of "card-container3" that contains a <div> element with a class of "card3"
- The "card3" <div> element contains:
- An <h2> element with the title "JOIN US"
- A <form> element with an ID of "joinForm" that contains:
- Two <input> elements for name and email
- A <button> element with the text "SUBMIT"
- A <p> element with an ID of "thankYouMessage" that displays a thank you message after submission
- A <footer> element that contains:
- A <div> element with a class of "social-icons" that contains links to social media platforms
- A <div> element with a class of "copyright" that displays the copyright information
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Fig. 2.21 Card CSS style (1/8/24) |
- .join h1 selector targets the <h1> element inside the join section
- font-size: 50px; sets the font size to 50 pixels
- font-weight: 100; sets the font weight to 100
- font-family: mountain; sets the font family to "mountain"
- text-align: center; centers the text horizontally
- margin-top: 200px; adds margin top to the heading
- margin-bottom: -180px; adds margin bottom to the heading
- color: #FFFFFF; sets the text color to white
- .card-container3 selector targets the <div> element with a class of "card-container3"
- display: flex; sets the display property to flex
- justify-content: center; centers the flex items horizontally
- align-items: center; centers the flex items vertically
- height: 100vh; sets the height to 100% of the viewport height
- .card3 selector targets the <div> element with a class of "card3"
- background-color: white; sets the background color to white
- padding: 20px; adds padding to the card
- border-radius: 10px; sets the border radius to 10 pixels
- box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); sets a box shadow effect
- width: 90%; sets the width to 90% of the parent element
- max-width: 500px; sets the maximum width to 500 pixels
- text-align: center; centers the text horizontally
- box-sizing: border-box; ensures padding is included in the width
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Fig. 2.22 Java Script for the form (2/8/24) |
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Fig. 2.24 Footer CSS Setting |
- padding: 20 px
- Margin-bottom: -20px
- Margin-top: -5-px
- The social media links are organized within a container classed as "social-icons", which is given a margin of 10 pixels to provide some much-needed space.
- Margin and Font Size: The copyright notice is styled with a margin top of 10 pixels to give it some space, and a font size of 0.9em to make it slightly smaller than the rest of the text.
- Centered Text: The text is centered horizontally to create a sense of balance and professionalism.
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