
Showing posts from December, 2023

Typography: Final Compilation & Reflection

29/9/2023 - 29/12/2023 (Week 1 - Week 14) Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Typography / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Typography  Final Compilation & Reflection JUMPLINK 1. Instruction   2. Submissions     - Task 1     - Task 2     - Task 3 3. Reflection 4. Quick Links   INSTRUCTIONS Task 1: Type Expression and Text Formatting Task 2: Typographic Exploration and Communication  Task 3: Type  Design and Communication 🔝 SUBMISSIONS TASK 1 29/9/2023 - 5/11/2023 / (Week 1 -  Week 5) Task 1: Exercise 1 - Type Expression Fig. 1.1 Final Type Expression JPEG (4/11/2023) Fig. 1.2  Final Type Expression PDF (4/11/2023) Fig. 1.3 Final Animated Type Expression (26/10/2023) Task 1: Exercise 2 - Text Formatting Fig. 1.4 Final Text Formatting JPEG (28/10/2023) Fig. 1.5 Final Text Formatting PDF (28/10/2023) Fig. 1.6 Final Text Formatting With Grids JPEG (28/10/2023) Fig. 1.7 Final Text Formatting With Grids PDF (28/10/202...

Illustration & Visual Narrative: Task 3 - Digital Triptych

29/11/2023 - 8/12/2023 / (Week 10 - Week 11) Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Illustration & Visual Narrative / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Task 3: Digital Triptych JUMPLINK 1. Lectures 2. Instruction     - Sketches     - Digitalization 3. Final Result 4. Reflection 5. Quick Links   LECTURES Gutter: The space between the panels.  In this space, the reader moves from one panel to the next and comes to a conclusion about what is happening  (source) .   The gutter is essential for comics, because they are a medium that do not allow for actions to take place in real time. Fig. 1.1 Gutter (The white gap between the panels) Beside gutter, in comic world there is also transition, there are 6 transitions. Fig. 1.2 Type of transitions - MOMENT TO MOMENT Moment to moment transition is a transition that need 'little closure' (McCloud).  It is one short  actions like eyes closing, a cough, sneeze etc. - ACTION TO ACTION Transi...

Digital Photography & Imaging: Conceptual Photoshoot (WEEK 9)

21 /11/2023 (Week 9)   Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Digital Photography and Imaging / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Project 2: Conceptual Photoshoot JUMPLINK 1. Lecture 2. Instruction 3. Sketch & Process 4. Final Result 5. Reflection 6. Quick Links   LECTURE WEEK 9: Digital Surrealism 1. Realism: Take subject matters of the ordinary and common world which we call "reality". 2. Surrealism: A twist on Realism.  It explores the subconscious min, with subject matters concentrating on dreams-images and often aims to distort the ordinary and what we call reality. Fig. 1.1 Realism vs Surrealism 🔝 INSTRUCTION SKETCH & PROCESS Fig. 2.1 Sketch  (4/12/2023) In this project, I decided to manipulate, things that are easy to find and have similar shape.  Here, I have tea bag and a bag.  The reason why I choose teabag is because, beside its shape is rectangle (similar to my bag), it is also looks like a shopping bag.  I found it interesting i...