Task 3: Design

6/3/2024 - 20/3/2024 (Week 5 - Week 7) Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Design Principles / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Design Principles: Design JUMPLINK Instruction Task 3 Sketches Final Sketches Digitalization Final Result Feedback Reflection Quick Links INSTRUCTION Make 3-5 sketches (manual/digital) of your own ideas that related to the chosen UNSDG. Apply your design principles knowledge into your design. final design in A4 size, JPEG Write a rationale, in about 150-200 words, explaining/defending the decisions made in your design, the meaning/purpose of the design and the design principles that are found in the design. Submission: Blog links of Task 3 & Final Compilation JPEG (A4 size) file of your final design, labelled as <Your Name_Title of Design_Task 3> One PDF file of all your blog posts (Tasks 1-3 and Final Compilation), labelled as <Your Name_202402_Design Principles Blog> (Download each post in PDF file and then combine all of them int...