Task 3: Design

6/3/2024 - 20/3/2024 (Week 5 - Week 7) 

Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505)

Design Principles / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media

Design Principles: Design



  1. Make 3-5 sketches (manual/digital) of your own ideas that related to the chosen UNSDG.
  2. Apply your design principles knowledge into your design.
  3. final design in A4 size, JPEG
  4. Write a rationale, in about 150-200 words, explaining/defending the decisions made in your design, the meaning/purpose of the design and the design principles that are found in the design.
  1. Blog links of Task 3 & Final Compilation
  2. JPEG (A4 size) file of your final design, labelled as <Your Name_Title of Design_Task 3>
  3. One PDF file of all your blog posts (Tasks 1-3 and Final Compilation), labelled as <Your Name_202402_Design Principles Blog> (Download each post in PDF file and then combine all of them into one PDF file)


For this task, I came up with the ideas of making one flat illustration or illustrated GIF.  In my research, I have collected some inspiration from pinterest.

Fig. 1.1 Moodboard

For the GIF concept, I inspired by a video that showing human's growth.  The video shows us the changing of a girl from baby until entering her teenage phase.  Here I want to apply the concept of the video by compiling illustration that represent people from different backgrounds, but they have same rights to get education, which to show the relation of my design with the UNSDG I chose.

Fig. 1.2 Concept 

Fig. 1.3 Ideas

Idea 1: The sketch was inspired by the painting that I have analyzed in Task 2. The figure who's standing in the front of the book is Ki Hajar Dewantara, The Father of Education in Indonesia. Based on my research, Ki Hajar Dewantara has a big role in the Education field, he made sure that every child in his country could get a decent education, so our country can be free from the occupation.

Idea 2: In the second idea, I want to show that everyone in this world has the same right, which is to get the opportunity to learn and grow, the most important thing is to pursue their dream by getting an education. 

Idea 3: Being excited to achieve our dreams by getting an education. It is shown by how playful the background is, I also want to show that education connects us with the world, the place where we can meet a lot of people, get opportunities and learn something new.

I decided to make an illustrated GIF, the sketch that fits my idea better is sketch number 2, but here I would like to make some improvements that will be shown in the final sketches. 


The GIF will contains five to eight frames with different characters, this is the final sketch that will be the guidance for the final design.

Fig. 1. 4 Final Sketches

FIG. 1.5 The Concept


After deciding which idea I use, I digitized my work in Adobe Illustration.  There are 2 apps that I use for my artwork, I use Adobe Illustration for digitize the sketch and creating the whole graphic item, for making the gif, I use Adobe Photoshop.

The tools that I used for this project:
Adobe Illustration:
  1. Pen tool: I use pen tool for tracing the illustration.
  2. Selection tool: This tool is helpful for fixing the unwanted curve, by adjusting the anchor point.
  3. Smooth tool: Make the line smoother.
  4. Shapes tool: For creating the shapes (Rectangle and Ellipse).
  5. Type: For Adding text.
  6. Gradient tool: Adding gradient to the object.
  7. Texture: Adding texture to the illustration.
Adobe Photoshop:
I use Adobe Photoshop to create the GIF.  I  compile every frames and then using the Timeline mode I adjust the duration for each frame and then export it into GIF.


Final result per-frame:
Fig. 2.1 Final Result

Fig. 2.2 Final Result

Fig. 2.3 Final Result

Fig. 2.4 Final Result

Fig. 2.5 Final Result

Fig. 2.6  Final Result

Fig. 2.7 Final Result

Fig. 2.8 Final Result

Fig. 2.9 Final Result GIF


This work was inspired by UNSDG number 4, which focuses on quality education that is inclusive and equitable and promotes lifelong learning opportunities. I want to embrace this goal by capturing it in my artwork, my design concept is in line with the goal of UNSDG number 4, I want to show that education is everyone's right without exception, everyone, race, age, economic background, and gender deserve a proper education. The concept I took in this work is to put together a collection of illustrations rendered in gif form. I created eight different frames with human figures that represent diversity, where in that diversity they have one thing in common, which is that they both have the right to achieve the highest education possible.

In this artwork there are some design principles, they are:

  1. Symmetrical balance: In this artwork, I placed the object in the centre so the right and left sides are balanced to each other.
  2. Harmony: The art has a variety of shapes and colours, but if we look it suits each other. 
  3. Even the figures have the same character or style.
  4. Emphasis: In this design, the main focus is the figures that are shown in every frame. It is a gif, to show the emphasis in this art, I made the different figures in each frame, so the first thing that will catch the audience's attention, would be the figures that are changing every second.
  5. Principle of proximity: The main focus was placed on the human character, but I decided to create structure by adding complementary elements and grouping them, to show that these elements are related to the design.
(273 words)

Fig. 2.10 Design Principles



Week 6

Specific Feedback:
- The idea is good, make sure that people get the message of the design.
- explore about facial human expression and gesture to complete the idea.

Week 7 

General Feedback:
- The rationale could be more than 200 words.
- For the submission, follow the instruction from the google classroom.

Specific Feedback:
- Maintain the art style of the character when it get digitalize.


This project, helps me to realize about world's issues. It made me learn more about what our world needs and how to make our world better. In this project, I faced some problems in turning my idea into a design, but Dr Yip Jinchi helped me and gave me feedback that deepened my understanding of this task.



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