Brand Corporate Identity - Task 1: Breaking Brand
23/9/2024 - 14/10/2024 (Week 1 - Week 4)
Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505)
Brand Corporate Identity / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Task 1 - Breaking Brand
Task 1: Breaking Brand
Final Result
1. Introduction to the module: explaining about the module and the flow of the assignments.
2. Brand
In the past, branding used to look painful. Today, branding is about making sure that something that is 'yours' will not be stolen. It used to be applied to humans or animals. Now a brand is not about ownership only, but something you say about it, but how people think about it.
Branding is the process of giving a meaning to specific organization, company, product, or service by (actively) creating and shaping a brand in consumers' minds. It is a strategy designed by organizations to help people quickly identify and experience their brand, and give them a reason to choose their products over the competition's
Sometimes, in creating brand identity we have to be different and relatable to differentiate the brand from the competitors. One of the examples is a campaign by Desiel with the "Be Stupid" campaign. The point of this campaign is to "break the rules and listen to your heart." This campaign encourages consumers to take risks and move beyond the smart and sensible track for life (“Be Stupid” Campaign by Diesel, 2020).
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Fig. 1.1 Be Stupid Campaign source |
Brandinv is the process of hijacking and shaping an image in the consumer minds. Brand can be achieves through:
- Brand definition: purpose, values, promise.
- Brand positioning statement: what your brand does, who you target, and the benefits of your brand, a concise statement.
- Brand identity: name, tone of voice, visual identity design (which includes the logo design, color palette, typographies, etc.
- Advertising and communications: TV, radio, magazines, outdoor ads, website, mobile apps, et.
- Product design
- Sponsoring and partnerships
- In-store experienece
- Workspace experience
- Customer service
- Pricing strategy
- Helps the brand to stand out in the market
- Give credibility
- With a clear brand, you can charge what you are worth
- Branding leads customer loyalty
- Branding leads to returning customers & referrals
- Branding equals to cinsitency
- Helps to reach the ideal clients
- Branding the business will help owners to save money and time
- Give confidence
- Established branding makes you easier to introduce new products/services
- Gives you clear strategy to moving froward
The role of designer in branding is to form or to turn the message into a shape through:
- Good research on the history, understand the clients.
- Develop, envision, create a visual identity that is distinct, memorable, consistent, value-based, profit based, gives confidence, increase market-share, endears itself to the audience and wins the trust and loyalty of its audience.
3. Types of Marks:
- Logotype/wordmark: A logo that focuses on a company name/initials.
- Logomark: A logo that is centered around a symbolic image or icon.
- Combination mark/signature: A combination of word and symbol.
A motives made by overlaping or combining two or more letters or other graphemes to form one symbol. The term 'monogram' came from Greek which means single line, or known as something written or drawn in outline. One of the example is the usage of 'Chanel' signature. It combines the word Coco Chanel into one symbol, and creates the overlaping C's that looks like chain.
- Grapheme: A grapheme (letter) is used to represent a phoneme (sound). In other words, a grapheme is the written form of a sound. For example, the word tap consists of three graphemes t, a, and p. The word trap consists of four graphemes t, r, a, and p.
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Fig. 1.2 Examples of Monogram |
Encompassing the design, display, and study of armorial bearings/armory, and the study of ceremony, rank, and pedegree.
- Crest: A distinctive device to represents a family or corporate body.
- Coat of arms: heraldic bearings or shield of a person, family, or corporation country.
- Insignia: distinguishing badge or 'emblem' of military rank, office, or membership of an organization.
Mark: Impression made on a something (paper, wall, wood, etc). marks signifies ownership or identification. Marks also represent the quality, ability and skill level of its designer.
- Trademark: symbol, word, or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company product.
- Trademark is also used as a protection against intellectual property infringement or theft.
- Service mark: trademark used in the US and other country to identify a service rather than a product.
- Trademark 'TM' and Servicemark 'SM' are temporary until the sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular company, brand, etc become registered and turned into 'R' registered trademark.
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Fig. 1.4 Registeredmark, Trademark, Servicemark |
"IBM uses a monogram, while Nike uses a symbol. Both are trademarks but neither are logos... What really matters here is that a logo, or any other kind or trademark is not the brand itself. Its merely a symbol for it."
- Marty Neumeier
4. Brand Ideals
Brand ideal is a higher purpose of a brand or organization that goes beyond the product or service they provide. Ideals consist vision, meaning, differentiation, authenticity, sustainability, coherence, flexibility, commitment, and value.
- Vision: A compelling vision by an effective, articulate, and passionate leader is the foundation for the best brands (Baber, 2008). Vision requires COURAGE.
- Authenticity: Refers to self-knowledge and making decisions that are congruent with that self-knowledge. Should know who they are and what they are stands for.
- Differentiation: It is how the brand makes people easy to understand why they should chose your brand, and not others.
- Sustainability: Ability to have longevity in an environment in constant flux and characterised by future permutations that no one can predict (Baber, 2008).
- Coherence: How to make the brand feels familiar. Even though the campaign is change but the familiarity remains.
- Flexibility: Effective brand identity positions a company for a change and growth in the future (Baber, 2008).
- Commintment: A brand is a asset that you have to protect, so that everyone who involves in the brand should have dedication for the brand. With no commitment from the people inside the brand and the brand itself it will be hard for the brand to grow.
- Value: Measurable results need to be created that promote and sustain the brand (Baber, 2008). Value itself is the biggest goal of most organization.
Task 1: Breaking Brand
On task 1 we were briefed to make a group select a brand and do research about that brand. I was in a group with Lizzie, Sheryne, and Tyra. For the brand we chose Pepsi. We selected Pepsi as our topic because Pepsi has existed in the industry for a long time, and we are sure with its reputation it would be easy for us to find information about Pepsi.
As a group, we divided our tasks as described below:
- Summary Description
- The Offer
- Specific Benefits
- Founder
- Location
- Logo Evolution
- Target Market Audience
- Geographic Segmentation
- Demographic Segmentation
- Psychographic Segmentation
- Behavioural Segmentation
- Why This Brand & Not Competition
- How it positions itself toward the target market
- Who is the Competition
- Benefits
- Retailer's Perspective
- Customer's Perspective
- Competitive Differentiation
- Brand's Communication Strategy
- Unique Selling Proposition
We used google document so all of the group members could access the file and put all of the information in there. Besides the document, we are all instructed to make a PowerPoint slide (individual task). For myself, I used Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to make my PowerPoint slides. The reason I selected Adobe Illustrator is because the software made it easier to create elements and I use Photoshop to edit all of the pictures.
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Fig. 1.1 Process Documentation (6/10/24) |
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Fig. 1.2 Process Documentation (6/10/24) |
Fig. 1.3 Task 1 Document
Fig. 1.4 Task 1 PPT
Week 1
Specific Feedback: For the business idea, there's still a lot of space to explore.
General Feedback: Create a Google Drive file that consists of 4 sub-files for every task.
Week 2
General Feedback: Remember to fill out the weekly feedback document.
This assignment made me more familiar with a particular brand, which is specifically about the pepsi brand. Searching for information was a tedious and difficult task, as I had to find concrete facts. In this case, I also learned that in recapitulating all the information that my friends and I had collected, I also needed to explore so that the information I put in the powerpoint was more abundant and informative.
Based on the feedback I received, I should learn more to develop my critical thinking skills, especially in finding the point of information and how to summarize it so that all the information can be understood well.
In this process, I gained a lot of knowledge, especially in the history of a product. But for me, the most important part of this assignment was learning how a business or brand grows and develops.
Brand Awareness
According to the Amazon Ads Guide, brand awareness is necessary to make a brand memorable to consumers. Brand awareness makes one's company and business grow by building recognition, trust, and customer loyalty. The ways to grow brand awareness include promotions, social media, influencer, and video ads. the article talks about how Amazon Ads has tools to help brands engage the shoppers and track metrics around impressions, new-to-brand customers, and brand lift studies: Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display. The guide also covers some case studies on successful brand awareness campaigns.
Link to article: Brand Awareness
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