
Showing posts from October, 2024

Brand Corporate Identity - Task 2

14/10/2024 - 21/10/2024 (Week 3 - Week 5)   Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Brand Corporate Identity / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Task 2 - Logo  TABLE OF CONTENT Lectures Instruction Task 2A Task 2B Process Brand Sketches Digitalization Document Setup GIF Final Result Feedback Reflection Further Reading LECTURES Positioning Positioning is the process of positioning your brand in the minds of the customers .  This is referred to as a positioning strategy, brand strategy, or brand positioning statement. (Bueno, 2019).  However Willis (2017) differentiates positioning and strategy, strategy itself is long-term planning, and is a map, while positioning is about 'position' or where you are placing yourself 'in the map'. - Our mission is to make a unique impression on our customers' minds, so they can associate something specific and desirable with our brand, that is differentiate your brand from others in the marketplace (Bueno. 2019). - Four different s...

Task 1 - Advanced Interactive Design

24/9/2024 - 14/10/2024 (Week 1 - Week 4)   Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Advanced Interactive Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Task 1 - Thematic Website Proposal INSTRUCTION PROPOSAL For task 1 students are required to make a proposal for a thematic website based on the topic selected.  The submission must include: 1.     Completed UI/UX proposal document. 2.     All processes (concept, wireframes, mood board, flow chart) 1. IDEAS There are 5 potential topics I selected: Zayn Malik latest album - Room Under The Stairs:  This album contains 15 songs.  The singer hopes that with this album, listeners can see him as a human being and his true colors. Hale - Moisturizer product:  This product is interesting from the design wise, it has a simple design and personally as people who uses skincare daily I am interested in trying the product. Mineral Botanica - Facial wash: a brand that highlight simplicity, their idea i...