
Showing posts from December, 2024

Advanced Interactive Design - Exercises

  24/09/2024 - 27/12/2024 (Week 1 - Week 13)   Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Advanced Interactive Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Exercises Instruction Exercises Week 2 We started the productive learning process in class during week 2.  In week 2 we were taught about the basic of adobe animate and how to use classic tween, shape tween, and how to make the elements moving. Fig. 1.1 Shape Tween (Week 2) Fig. 1.2 Exercises Drawing Ball & Boat (Week 2) Week 3 In week 3, we were taught how to make an element move following a path/lines.  In here we used a car that moving on the road. Fig. 1.3 Car Path (Week 3) Week 4 In week 4, we created a moving spider and walking stickman, we learned how to animate separate part of elements. Fig. 1.4 Walking Stickman (Week 4) Fig. 1.5 Spider (Week 4) Week 5 In week 5, we created a morph transition using alphabet. Fig. 1.6 Morphing (Week 5) Week 6 During week 6, we move further by learning how to make animation...

Advanced Interactive - Final Compilation & Reflection

24/09/2024 - 27/12/2024 (Week 1 - Week 13)   Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Advanced Interactive Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Final Compilation & Reflection - Thematic Website Instruction Blog Links Exercises Task 1  Task 2 Task 3 Submission 1. Exercises Fig. 1.1 Shape Tween (Week 2) Fig. 1.2 Exercises Drawing Ball & Boat (Week 2) Fig. 1.3 Car Path (Week 3) Fig. 1.4 Walking Stickman (Week 3) Fig. 1.5 Spider (Week 4) Fig. 1.6 Morphing (Week 5) Week 6 Button Practice Slide Button Zoom Picture 2. Task 1 - Thematic Website Proposal Fig. 1.7 Proposal (28/10/24) 3. Task 2 - Thematic Interactive Website Planning & Proposal Fig. 1.8 Website Planning Presentation (17/11/24) Design by Aisya Anwagodsa Fig. 1.9 Flowchart (17/11/24) Fig. 1.10 Presentation (17/11/24) Fig. 1.11 Prototype (17/11/24) 4. Final Project THEMATIC WEBSITE LINK Fig. 1.12 Recording of the whole website (28/12/24) Reflection Experience: The whole learning process gives much...

Advanced Interactive Design - Task 3

24/09/2024 - 27/12/2024 (Week 1 - Week 13)   Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Advanced Interactive Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Task 3 - Thematic Website Table of Content Lectures Instruction Task 3 Process Final Outcome Feedback Reflection Lectures All lectures were recorded in Exercises Instruction Task 3 In task 3 students have to create a complete thematic website using skills taught since the beginning of the class.  The theme for the website itself was taken from the student's proposal in the previous task. For this task, I made a fan website for Zayn Malik, a singer known for the singing contest X-Factor.  For the website, I made 5 content about Zayn This content will be about his journey as a singer and his albums. Process Doing this website requires a lot of time and patience.  I was skeptical at first because using Adobe animate is new and during the learning process I faced some errors in operating this software (it happened to other ...

Brand Corporate Identity - Final Compilation & Reflection

23/09/2024 - 16/12/2024 (Week 1 - Week 13)   Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Brand Corporate Identity / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Final Compilation & Reflection TABEL OF CONTENT Instruction Final Submissions Links Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Reflection INSTRUCTION Fig. 1.1 MIB FINAL SUBMISSIONS LINKS Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 TASK 1 Fig. 1.2 Task 1 Document (6/10/24) Fig. 1.2 Task 1 PPT (6/10/24) TASK 2 2.1 Task 2 A PDF  (27/10/24) Fig. 2.2 Task 2B PDF (28/10/24) GIF Fig. 2.3 Rice Story GIF (28/10/24) TASK 3 STATIONERY Fig. 3.1  Letterhead artwork with text (23/11/24) Fig. 3.2  Letterhead artwork without text ( 23/11/24 ) Fig. 3.3 Letterhead mockup with text ( 23/11/24 ) Fig. 3.4 Letterhead mockup without text ( 23/11/24 ) Fig. 3.5 Envelope artwork front ( 23/11/24 ) Fig. 3.6 Envelope artwork back ( 23/11/24 ) Fig. 3.7 Envelope mockup ( 23/11/24 ) Fig. 3.8 Invoice artwork ( 23/11/24 ) Fig. 3.9 Invoice mockup ( 23/11/24 ) Fig. 3.10 Bussiness ...

Brand Corporate Identity - Task 4

25/11/2024 - 9/12/2024 (Week 10 - Week 12)   Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Brand Corporate Identity / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Task 4 - Brand Guideline TABLE OF CONTENT Lectures Instruction Task 4 Process Design attempt 1 Design attempt 2 Final Outcome Feedback Reflection Further Reading LECTURES Task 1 Task 2 INSTRUCTION Fig. 1 MIB 🔝 TASK 4 Task 4 is the final task of this module.  Students should make a brand guideline based on their previous tasks.  In week 10 we showed Ms. Lilian our initial sketches for our brand guideline.  I tried experimenting with modular grids as a guideline for my brand guideline, I also aim to produce a clean and minimalist design, but I'm open to other options that suitable for my brand.  However, some things needed to be considered while designing the layout.  On my first trial, I made the sketches without considering their flows, hierarchy, and other technical aspects, below are my initial sketches. Fig. ...