Brand Corporate Identity - Task 4

25/11/2024 - 9/12/2024 (Week 10 - Week 12) 

Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505)

Brand Corporate Identity / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media

Task 4 - Brand Guideline




Fig. 1 MIB


Task 4 is the final task of this module.  Students should make a brand guideline based on their previous tasks.  In week 10 we showed Ms. Lilian our initial sketches for our brand guideline.  I tried experimenting with modular grids as a guideline for my brand guideline, I also aim to produce a clean and minimalist design, but I'm open to other options that suitable for my brand.  However, some things needed to be considered while designing the layout.  On my first trial, I made the sketches without considering their flows, hierarchy, and other technical aspects, below are my initial sketches.

Fig. 2.1 Initial Sketches 1

Fig () is how I planned my cover by putting a picture on the side and a title next to it, I also planned to put a little bit of information like years/name at the top right.  But Ms. Lilian said it is unnecessary to put your name/student ID.  

Fig. 2.2 Initial Sketch 2

It can be seen from the two sketches above there is inconsistency in the grid application.  In the first sketch, I used 7 columns, but in the second sketch I only used 6 columns, also I did not consider the reading flow, which text belongs to which picture, etc.  There was so much thing to improve on this week.  Honestly, it was a little bit hard for me to create the sketches like this, I needed to use my actual text to visualize my brand guidelines.  After receiving feedback about my sketches, I proceed to continue to put all of the elements and text into the layout.  Below are my complete sketches:

Fig. 2.3 Initial Sketches


First attempt
During week 11, I created a brand guideline but it was not fully finished, I only made it to 1/8 of the whole contents which is bad, because there was so limited layout that be seen.  On the first attempt, I tried to maintain the visual that I applied in task 3, for example using the same graphic that I used to make an environmental design and using lines derived from my logo.

Fig. 3.1 Cover design

Fig. 3.2 Line from the logo

And for the lines, it seems a little bit off and not coherent with the whole look of the brand guideline.  For the layout itself, I used 7 columns and placed the content in the middle, I liked the way all of my content was placed in the middle and was the focus of the page, but unfortunately, the setting of the letter size made the content is hard to read.  Also for the navigation bar, I'm not sure about using the line as well because it will be good if the navigations are seamless.

Fig. 3.3 Layout

Fig. 3.4 Implementing design from the previous task

In Figure () I tried to utilize lines again and also underlined the word 'Contents' which I don't think is necessary T-T. 

Below is the PDF for the first document designs:

Fig. 3.5 PDF design attempt 1

Second Attempt

After receiving feedback from week 11 I proceed to continue the rest of the brand guideline.  During the process I had a new plan, I think I should not limit my layouts by centering all of the contents like what I did in the first attempt.  For the cover itself, I changed the concept by removing the grass and replacing it with a line.  I also placed pictures related to rice field and  

Fig. 3.6 Cover design second attempt

As for the layouts, I use various formats, but I try to make lines for the title like in the pictures below: 

Fig. 3.7 Layout design

I experimented with different placement of the lines, in figure () I decided to go with the idea of placing the title beside the line, but the style kept changing and looked different with the cover, so I decided to maintain the style by putting all of the titles below the line.  For the page number, I utilized a line as well, by using it as an indicator for the number.

Fig. 3.8 Layout design

Fig. 3.9 Brand positioning layout attempt

Fig. 3.10 Brand positioning layout attempt

Fig. 3.11 Brand positioning layout attempt

I also changed the navigation bar by moving it to the bottom of the page and removing lines I used before.  I think these changes suit my brand guidelines better.  For the navigation bar design, I decided to go with different colors on every page to match the background colors.

Fig. 3.12 Navigation bar design

Fig. 3.13 Navigation bar design

In one of the chapters that took a lot of changes in my table of contents layout, I kept changing the layout because I wanted to implement the 'line' that I used in all of the pages.

Fig. 3.14 Contents layout attempt

Besides all of the changes regarding layout, I also made changes as revisions to my logo and mockups, of the logo as I implemented a lot of wordmarks in task 3, Ms. Lilian suggested that I should create a wordmark for my logo.  The wordmark was pretty simple, but during this process, I kerned the wordmark, so I had to change the wordmark on the brand application as well.  Other than that, I also made the logo clear space by using the letter 'O' to determine the gap.

Fig. 3.15 Logo clearspace Adobe Illustrator

Fig. 3.16 Logo clearspace Adobe Photoshop

For the buttons, I apply a hover effect, so when the cursor touches the button it will underlined automatically.

Fig. 3.17 Buttons settings

Fig. 3.18 PDF design attempt 2

This version still needs improvement in captions, leading, and buttons.  For the second attempt design my font size was 20pt, then Ms. Lilian suggested reducing it to 2pt and applying the same size for the titles as well.  Ms. Lilian also suggested changing the buttons on the last page (back to the cover button), by using a graphic element from my logo instead of using the word 'BACK'.  After the feedback I proceed to finalize the document by changing the font size, leading, and adding captions.

Fig. 3.19 Back to cover button

Final Outcome

Fig. 4.1 Interactive PDF

Fig. 4.2 Brand Guideline


Week 10
Be consistent, don't afraid to have whitespace in your layout.

Week 11
  • The heading is too wide.
  • The body copy is too tight and painful to read.
  • Get rid of the hyphenation, if want to use justify should adjust the text.
  • Make the stripes consistent.
  • Uppercase the navigation.
  • For the body copy size, be consistent with the size.
Week 12
  • Decrease the size of the body copy by 2 pt
  • Maintain the size of the heading
  • Add a longer description of the pictures
  • Instead of the word 'BACK' utilize elements from your padi yeah
  • The leading size needs to be increased because the ascender and the descender are almost touching


Experience: I enjoyed this task, and because of this task I can feel the benefits I learned from advanced typography in semester 2 regarding the layout design.  However, I should improve my skills in arranging layout and typography settings as well.  

Observation: Throughout the task and feedback that I got, I found that arranging the layout for a brand guideline is not just to make the design appealing, but also how we implement the proper function of typography, which I forget sometimes because I'm too focused on thinking about how to make my designs look good, but not thinking about them functionally.

Findings: I find that brand guidelines are very important, and this task gave me insight into it.  As a design student, learning how to make brand guidelines enlightened me and gave me a systematic process for a logo.  It also makes me appreciate all of the designers out there, because of the process they have going through to create a logo.


This article tells about the font Futura, and the article seems to show common information about the font.  I would say that this article helped me to know Futura a little better, as I am using this font as a body copy for my brand guideline, however, I still need to dig for more information regarding how to maximize the use of Futura.

I'd say it is a type of fun-to-read article, a play of words but still insightful.  This article provides tips for using typography.  Most of the tips have been taught in university but it is good to see another version of things I have learned.


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