
Showing posts from August, 2024

Interactive Design - Final Compilation

24/4/2024 - 4/8/2024 (Week 1 - Week 14)   Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Interactive Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Final Compilation INSTRUCTION Exercises Project 1 Project 2 Final Project SUBMISSION Website 1: About Website: Lyon-Beton is a website that showcases its furniture products.  They provided furniture  that has  a concrete style and explores the combination of geometric shapes that can be a philosophy of life, such as the De Stijl school, Brutalism, Art Deco, etc. Here is the quick look of the website:  Fig. 1.1 Lyon-Beton Homepage (1/5/2024) Purpose & Goals Lyon Beton is a website that provides a service of custom furniture and unique furniture that carries bold and minimalist aspects.  They also have a  great  vision of furniture usage, where they do not want to create furniture that only follows trends, but they want to make something that is timeless and strong for  ...

Video & Sound Production - Final Compilation

24/4/2024 - 4/8/2024 (Week 1 - Week 14)   Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Video & Sound Production / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Final Compilation INSTRUCTION    Exercises Project 1 Project 2 Final Project SUBMISSION Project 1: Audio Dubbing Video Link Project 1 - Exercise 2: Sound Shaping PHONE CALL BATHROOM CAVE INSIDE THE CLOSET ALIEN Project 2A: Trailer Editing Video Link Project 2B: TikTok/Instagram Trend Video Link Final Project: Stop Motion Video Link REFLECTION Experience This module is one of the more relaxed and easily applicable ones, especially in everyday life. In this module, we not only learn to operate editing applications like Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Audition, but we also practice working in groups. Every project and exercise I completed during this module had its own merits. However, my favorite was the TikTok/Instagram trends project. For this task, we were given the freedom to express ourselves and develop our editing skills. Ob...

Interactive Design - Creating a Single Page Website (Final Project)

4/7/2024 - 4/8/2024 (Week 11 - Week 15)   Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505) Interactive Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media Final Project - Single Page Website JUMP LINK Instruction Proposal & Prototype Process Adobe Illustrator Adobe Dreamweaver Feedback Reflection INSTRUCTION <iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe> 🔝 PROPOSAL & PROTOTYPE <iframe src="" width="640" height="480" allow="autoplay"></iframe> Fig.  1.1 Proposal slide (Week 12) Fig. 1.2 Wireframe sketch (Week 12) Mr Shamsul also required us to make 5 wireframe sketches, from the selected frame, there are changes based on Mr. Shamsul's feedback.  I was planning to make a timeline element for my website, but Mr. Shamsul said I ...