Brand Corporate Identity - Task 3

28/10/2024 - 18/11/2024 (Week 6 - Week 9) 

Aisya Diva Anwagodsa (0365505)

Brand Corporate Identity / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media

Task 3 - Positioning & Identity



Refer to:


Fig. 2.1 MIB 


This task requires students to present their logo and apply it to products related to the brand.  There are 4 applications that we need to make:
  1. Corporate Stationery
  2. Collateral
  3. Environmental
  4. Digital presence
Before starting to do design and further action, I made a mood board to help me 
making designs.

Fig. 3.0 References

In week 6, I made some sketches for my collateral appliances.  I plan to make an apron, gift set, shopping bag, and paper wrap.  This was my rough idea for the apron and the paper wrap.

Fig. 3.1 First sketch
  • For the number 1 sketch, I am thinking of utilizing a pattern from my logo.  My idea is to keep the design simple by putting the logo in the middle and adding a pocket to the apron.
  • For the second sketch of my apron, I want to introduce stripes to make a variation and place the logo in the top left
  • Sketch number 2 of paper wrap I utilize the pattern from my logo as well, but I don't really like how it turned out
  • I did the same thing to paper wrap number 3, which uses a pattern derived from my logo.
  • At this point, I feel like the numeration for my sketches is kinda messed up :(.  Now I will explain my business card design starting with sketch number 3, the card design number 3 was supposed to be a one-sided business card, so it will display all of the information and the logo.
  • Card design number 4 is the front and the back design.  For the front side, I wanted to display the logo only with the name of the brand, while the information will be displayed on the other side of the card.
  • Design number 5 was only the front design of the card and I will apply the same design as sketch number 4 for the back side.  Sketch number 5, I wanted to use a pattern from the logo (I utilized the rice grain to create the pattern) on the left side of the card and leave a little bit of blank space on the right.
Fig. 3.2 Application sketches

  • These sketches mainly showed how I wanted to design my collateral, starting with the tote bag/shopping bag.  On number 6, I wanted to place the logo at the center and use stripes as decoration at the side of the bag.
  • Number 7 I decided to create a visual of a ricefield that will be formed by stripes.
  • In sketch number 8, I came up with a new idea for my business card, which I changed the card from landscape to portrait, I think it will look better if the card is in the vertical position because my logo frame is oval and extends down.  For the front side, I only display the logo with a touch of my rice grain illustration at the bottom left, while the information is displayed on the opposite side of the card.
  • Sketch number nine is initially for the rice packaging that I will use as part of the gift set and will be displayed on my website as part of the product that I want to sell.  In this sketch, I did not put a lot of elements as I wanted to keep it simple and placed my logo.  For the packaging itself, I imagined that the packaging would use cardboard-based packaging to get a premium look.
Fig. 3.3 Envelope design 

Figure o.o is the raw idea of my envelope, I want to make it less decorative but not plain.  So I decided to use a pattern at the bottom and place the logo at the top right.

Fig. 3.4 Sketch for billboard

For those 3 sketch ideas for one of my environmental applications, I decided to make a poster advertisement.  
  • I want to elaborate and make catchy sentences, which is why I wrote G(RAIN)ING in sketch number 1, however, I have to consider whether it relates to my brand or not.  But it is still fun, playing with words.
  • For sketch number 2, I randomly draw a hand that holds a pack of rice and then the rice will flow out of the packaging and name it pouring rice (again inspired by gRAINing).
  • The third sketch that I made was very obvious and direct to my brain.  Especially my slogan 'From field to feast', in which in the sketch there is a bowl of rice in the middle of the ricefield.

Honestly, I have difficulty planning my brand applications, so I just randomly sketch my design.  This method was actually effective for me because from these sketches I could get a bigger picture and get ideas for further exploration of my design.

This process is one of the exciting processes in this task.  Because I can see what my logo gonna be when I'm applying it to products. 

Logo Refinement
While digitalization I also had some adjustments to my logo.  Begin with refining my logo.  In the previous task, my logo was a little bit off because it lost one of the colors, green.  I also feel like I need to adjust the stripes on the clothes and change the pattern.

Fig. 3.5 Logo Color

It can be seen that the oval frame on the right did not have a green color because I forgot to add the color, and the logo on the left is the logo with the complete color that has been added with green color. 
Fig. 3.6 Logo adjustment

I did a logo adjustment on the clothes pattern, It can be seen in the area marked with a red line, the logo on the left has stripes with uneven gaps, I managed to make the gap more even by re-arranging the stripes.  Next coming to the application or product designs.

Corporate Stationery

1. Envelope
For the stationery, students should make 4 which are envelope, letterhead, business card, and invoice.  For the concept, I am planning to utilize a pattern taken from the logo and place the logo on the envelope.  Figure (3.7) shows my first attempt at envelope artwork, the thing is I did not create the whole look in Adobe Illustrator, I created the pattern using Adobe Illustrator exported it into a PNG file, and arranged the whole look in the mockup. However, Ms. Lilian said that I should create the artwork for all applications, and it should be in the real size.  For my first attempt at an envelope, I should move the logo from the top right to the other position, because the top left is where the mailing detail will be placed.  I also need to put the company address.  Besides this design, I also made a smaller version of the envelope, but I did not show Ms. Lilian because there were too many files to show, I needed to organize all of my files better before asking for feedback.

Fig. 3.9 Envelope design first attempt

Fig. 3.8 Envelope in smaller size

After getting feedback during week 9, I proceed to make artwork and continue to finalize my envelope design.  Here I decided to make the pattern smaller and placed it in the bottom of the envelope and placed the logo on the top left, I also added the address right under the logo.
Fig. 3.9 Final artwork for envelope

Fig. 3.10 Envelope mockup

After done, making the design, I apply the artwork to the mockup.  I chose to make a string envelope, the reason is I wanted to bring a timeless and simple impression to my envelope.

2. Letterhead
For the letterhead, the students should submit 2 artworks and 2 mockups.  One is the letterhead without body text and one with body text/content in it.  This is my first time designing letterhead while learning design.  In my whole life, I usually see letterheads with 'boring' designs, or maybe letterhead should be boring?  I had this thought, so when I was in junior high school, I was a secretary in a student organization, and one of my jobs was writing letters and reports, of course, I had to deal with letterhead.  I wonder, why people make letterhead look boring and so template?  I mean placing the logo on the side and dumping all of the information in the middle?  And most of the letterhead looks like that.  Why they don't want to change the design?  Then I think, maybe they see it for its function not only aesthetic.  Things happen for a reason I guess.  Because of that thought I tried to pull other designs of letterhead by placing all of the information on the side like in Figure (3.11).  I would say that maybe it's not the best way to make letterhead for my brand, so I tried to place it in the middle (Knock my head because I said it was boring, but maybe it works).  To be honest, I don't like it and I'm hoping that Ms. Lilian agrees with me, but it's a different story.  Ms Lilian said that I should try the middle letterhead (because it looks consistent with my invoice design, which I utilize line as well).

Fig. 3.11 Letterhead option 1

Fig. 3.12 Letterhead option 2

After receiving the feedback, I proceed to continue the letterhead.  Ms. Lilian also said that maybe for the mockup text, I would like to use text that looks like a letter instead of lorem ipsum text.  So during the process, I focus on my option 2 design.  I decided to place the logo in the middle and gave lines on the right and left side, for the information I placed it at the bottom, under the line.  

    Fig. 3.13 Final design

Fig. 3.14 Final design mockup

3. Invoice
There were not too many changes to the invoice design.  At first, I had no clue what my invoice gonna look like, so I decided to look at my old invoice from a mini market.  From my observations, I gained a better understanding of what information I should put into my invoice.  I started to proceed with placing all the information and creating the design.  I started by placing the logo in the middle, and the rest of the information will follow the logo's alignment in Figure ().

Fig. 3.15 Invoice design first attempt

Before I continued to finalize my invoice, I did experiments with the mockups.  In Figure (3.16) I added the shredded effect at the bottom of my invoice, but then I removed it because I don't really like how it turned out. 

Fig. 3.16 Mockup experiment

As I mentioned in the previous explanation of my letterhead, the style of my invoice is more synchronized with the middle letterhead, so to make it more consistent, I improved my design by making the invoice design similar to the final design of my letterhead.  I also changed the color to black and white, as most of the invoices are printed in black and white.

Fig. 3.17 Final design invoice

Fig. 3.18 Final mockup
4. Bussiness Card
For the business card, I planned to make it as simple as possible.  I prioritized placing the logo on the front side of the card.  The first design had too many blank spaces on the information side and it was not in the actual size because I used the size of A4 paper (who wants a business card anyway?  Maybe me T-T).  

Fig. 3.19 Bussiness card design 1

Fig. 3.20 Business card design 2

Other than design 1 I made another design option, where I utilized a pattern from the logo on the front side of the card, and placed the logo in the back along with the information.  To improve my logo, I decided to create individual business cards and change the placement of information, don't forget to change the size as well.  

Fig. 3.21 Business card design

It can be seen in my final design, that I maintained the design from the first business card and only changed the back side of it.  The information I included was the same, but I added my name and a fake QR code.  I also moved the rice grain illustration to the right bottom.


1. Shopping Bag
For shopping bag design, I was thinking of designing a paper-based shopping bag, but then I realized that paper is not a suitable material for my shopping bag.  I changing plan to make my shopping bag design similar to a tote bag but look proper and solid.  For the design itself, I used one of my logo designs in task 2 referring to Figure 2.4 sketch number 6.  I modified the design a little bit, and here is my first attempt of my shopping bag design.

Fig. 3.22 Shopping bag design 1 Adobe Illustrator

Fig. 3.23 Shopping bag design 1 Adobe Photoshop

When I showed this to Ms. Lilian, she suggested making the line similar to my logo's mascot clothes, which have a striped pattern clothes.  Then I make the lines thicker and refine the shape of the hill.  I also removed some of the figures and changed the cow.  Below is the final result of the totebag design.

Fig. 3.24 Shopping bag artwork 

2. Gift Set
For the gift set, the item contains different products such as a pack of rice and 1 set of mugs, this item also came with a solid box that has the same design as the totebag.  Here's the breakdown of each items:

  • Box: For the box, I used the same design as the shopping bag, but I removed the logo and replaced it with my brand's name and the tagline.  There were not a lot of changes during the process.

Fig. 3.25 Gift set box design

  • Mug: The mug design evolved around the pattern derived from the logo.  The first design was the same as envelope design attempt 1 (3.7).  I also did some experimental designs by utilizing the stripes, which I kind of liked the design, but in the end, I did not use the design (Figure 3.27), because I wanted to synchronize the mug design with the envelope, so the final design is also inspired by the final artwork of the envelope.

Fig. 3.26 Mug's first design

Fig. 3.27 Experimental design 

Fig. 3.28 Final design

  • Rice packaging: Lastly, I made the design for the rice packaging.  The rice packaging that I will use for the gift set is a 1 kg rice pack.  Since my store concept is a bit different from the average shop that sells rice, I should make the packaging reflect the image of my shop.  Again, I utilize the visual illustration from the shopping bag on my rice packaging.  The first design used a thinner line, while the bottom of the packaging, I made it transparent so people could see the rice inside the packaging.  However, because I change the design by making the line thicker, some of the farmer figures will look invisible (Figure 3.30).  So I only use one figure of the farmer. 

Fig. 3.29 First design of rice packaging

Fig. Unnoticed farmer because of thicker line stroke

Fig. 3.31 Final design

Here in the final design, the visual is more proper and I added the rice grain symbol under the tagline.  I also use a label to indicate the amount of rice inside the packaging at the bottom left.

3. Wrapping Paper
The third item is wrapping paper, for the wrapping paper I made different designs utilizing the brand's wordmark and the rice grain symbol.  One of my favorite designs is numbers 3 and 4.  But for the final design I utilized the number 3, because it represents my brand better with the rice grain symbol.

Fig. 3.32 Wrapping papers design

4. Apron
I  made two different apron designs, one for the employee and another one for the customer's merchandise.

  • Customer Merchandise Apron: For the customer merchandise apron, I kept the design simple because I  only placed my logo in the middle and added a functional feature by adding 2 pockets at the bottom of the apron.  

Fig. 3.33 Customer's apron design

  • Employee's Apron: For the employee, I'd like to give them a waist apron.  For the design, I made it simple as well, by putting the shop's name in the top right and the rice grain symbol in the bottom right.  While applying the design to the mockup, I made the design look like embroidery.  To make it realistic, I added depth and embossing to the design and utilized the embroidery effect from Photoshop beta.

Fig. 3.34 Waist apron artwork

Fig. 3.35 Applying embroidery effect

Fig. 3.36 Refining the mockup

Environmental Design

1. Signage
The signage design is pretty simple, I just use my logo and place it into a circular signage mockup, the reason I used a circular shape for the signage is to balance the shape of my logo.

Fig. 3.37 Signage artwork

2. Advertisement
To make advertisement signage, I had to create the visual, my ideas were based on the sketches below where I drew 3 different designs to promote products from my shop.

Fig. 3.38 Sketches for advertisement

From those sketches, I went with the third sketch.  Where I placed a bowl of rice in the middle of the ricefield and put my logo at the top.  Below is the result of my first attempt.

Fig. 3.39 Rice advertisement attempt 1

For this, I used Adobe Photoshop since it works better when it comes to editing pictures.  Because I had to combine separated pictures and adjust them to make them harmonize with each other.  But I had another idea that I think would look better.  Why don't I use the rice pack instead of a bowl of rice?  It will be more accurate and align with the purpose if I want to make an advertisement to promote my products.  So I proceeded to make 3 different rice mockups, which are black rice, brown rice, and Japanese rice.  Three of them have the same design, I just need to change the rice and the label.

Fig. 3.40 Rice packaging without label

Here I used an artwork without a label that indicates the kind of rice, so I can easily change the picture and the label in Photoshop.

Fig. 3.41 Rice advertisement

Figure 3.41 is my final design of the rice advertisement.  To make the rice look like popped out from the grass, I had to separate the grass into different layers and I used a brush to add shadow and light.

3. Window Store
Window store, this is one of my favorite designs because I can imagine how the store would look physically.  To be honest, even though I like imagining how the store would look like, I've faced difficulty in making the window design, because I ran out of ideas.  This was my first design attempt where I dumped all of my logo everywhere.

Fig. 3.42 Window store first attempt

I admit that I rely on the mockup and I realized that when I just finished the work.  Mockups, also limit my creativity, like people trying to fit in I keep thinking about how to find a mockup that could suit my design, but it's happened and it is a lesson for me.  Back to the design progress, I had an idea to change the nuance of the store by replacing all of the logos with the ricefield artwork that I used on the shopping bag and gift box design.  I went straight to Adobe Illustrator and made a sequence design of two windows with a door in the middle and placed my artwork, so the design would look like one unity (the red background was placed to make the artwork visible, it is not part of my artwork.)

Fig. 3.43 Window store artwork

Digital Presence

For the digital presence, we are required to create an Instagram page and a website (landing page) for our brand.

1. Instagram page
For the Instagram page, I only combined all of my collaterals and placed them into the Instagram mockup.  For the Instagram profile, I had to make it manually because I could not find the mockup (or I had to pay if I wanted to use the mockup), so I started to browse what typeface looked similar to Instagram sans, I used quicksand for the typeface.

Fig. 3.44

2. Website 
For the website, I made it simple by placing rice products and offers from the shop.  I added new items to put on my website, they are the green mug set and a big pack of rice.  

Fig. 3.45 Mug artwork

Fig. 3.46 Big rice pack artwork

Fig. 3.47 Website artwork design process


  1. Letterhead mockup:
  2. Advertisement mockup:
  3. Laptop mockup:
  4. Apron mockup:
  5. Waist apron mockup: Freepik 
  6. Signage mockup:
  7. Window store mockup:
  8. Invoice mockup:
  9. Shopping bag mockup:
  10. Big rice pack mockup:
  11. Medium rice pack mockup:
  12. Mugs mockup:
  13. Wrapping paper mockup:
  14. Business card mockup:
  15. Envelope mockup: pixpine. com
  16. Phone mockup:
  17. Black rice:
  18. Japanese rice:
  19. Brown rice: (by Racool Studio)
  20. Rice bowl:
  21. Grass:  Freepik 

Final Outcome


Fig. 4.1 Letterhead artwork with text

Fig. 4.2 Letterhead artwork without text

Fig. 4.3 Letterhead mockup with text

Fig. 4.4 Letterhead mockup without text

Fig. 4.5 Envelope artwork front

Fig. 4.6 Envelope artwork back

Fig. 4.7 Envelope mockup

Fig. 4.8 Invoice artwork

Fig. 4.9 Invoice mockup

Fig. 4.10 Bussiness card artwork front

Fig. 4.11 Bussiness card artwork back

Fig. 4.12 Bussiness card mockup


Fig. 4.13 Apron for customer artwork

Fig. 4.14 Apron for employee artwork

Fig. 4.15 Apron for customer mockup

Fig. 4.16 Apron for employee mockup

Fig. 4.17 Gift set artwork

Fig. 4.18 Gift set mockup

Fig. 4.19 Shopping bag artwork

Fig. 4.20 Shopping bag mockup

Fig. 4.21 Wrapping paper artwork

Fig. 4.22 Wrapping paper artwork


Fig. 4.23 Window shop artwork

Fig. 4.24 Window shop mockup

Fig. 4.25 Signage artwork

Fig. 4.26 Signage mockup

Fig. 4.27 Advertisement artwork

Fig. 4.28 Advertisement mockup


Fig. 4.29 Instagram artwork

Fig. 4.30 Instagram mockup

Fig. 4.31 Website artwork

Fig. 4.32 Website mockups

Fig. 4.33 Brand Positioning


Week 7
  • The brand story needs to be refined. 
  • Invoice design should not be complicated (depending on your business).
  • Make sure that the name card/envelope is still related to the brand.

Week 8 (ILW)

Week 9  
  • The size artwork should be the exact size of the product.

  • The logo should not be at the right top of the envelope.  Right top supposed to be for putting mailing details?

  • Maintain the style of the envelope and invoice.

  • Don’t introduce too much design graphics.


Because this task is continuous, I would say that I mostly enjoy doing task 3.  Even though it is stressful at the same time.  But I love to see how my logo actually works (in my opinion) and because this is my first time designing a logo (guided by a professional) I gained so much knowledge.  I also mentioned in my progress documentation that, I worried that I could not find a good mockup for my design, which limits my creativity.  I realized that as a design student, I should not worried about that, instead of drawing myself into that thought, I should think about how I can maximize my design so it can represent my brand. 

This task taught me how to know my brand, and how I want to represent my brand to the world.  Introducing many visuals into my product was fun, but I had to learn to maintain the consistency of the design.

I should not restrict myself to designs that already exist, or mockups.  Because in design we learn how to create, not only following the template, Ms. Lilian said that as a design student, we should not follow trends, but create the trend.  It hits me hard.


Written by MasterClass
8th June, 2021

This article is a quick explanation of how we can utilize grids, not only as a guide but grids are time savers, and could help us, designers produce a good layout.  In this article, we could find an easy explanation about elements that we should use in making layout design.  As a person who learns about design, this article is very insightful.


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